Opinion: Schools should hold moment of silence every Sept. 11

As a country, we will be commemorating the 19th anniversary of the terrorists attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. It is my hope and the hope of many New Jersyians that we join our neighbor, the State of New York, where all public schools are now required to hold a moment of silence to mark the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks under a law (2019) that Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed last year, stating “by establishing this annual day of remembrance and a brief moment of silence in public schools, we will help ensure we never forget — not just the pain of that moment but the courage, sacrifice and outpouring of love that defined our response.”

I am respectfully reaching out to the North Brunswick Township School District to set an example for all schools in New Jersey to follow by taking the lead of New York by requiring all their schools to hold a moment of silence. I know the New Jersey government leaders have discussed this topic recently but now is the time to take action, especially during these trying times, not only in New Jersey but throughout our country. Our government leaders are not in session and I respectfully ask that is not too late to enact a similar law like New York to be approved by both houses of the state legislature and to be signed by Gov. Phil Murphy to become law.

We shall always remember! We shall never forget! May all Rest In Peace!

Pete Clark
North Brunswick