East Brunswick introduces ordinance enforcing fines for pets and property maintenance

EAST BRUNSWICK–The Township Council introduced an ordinance which, if adopted, will amend the municipal code revising violations and penalties regarding pets and property maintenance.

The violations and penalties of Chapter 83’s “Dogs and Cats” subsection states that any person violating any of the provisions of the ordinance will be liable for a fine not to exceed $2,000 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both, unless otherwise specified:

  • For disturbing the peace or barking, the first offense in the prior 12 months carries a fine of $56 with no court appearance required.
  • For disturbing the peace or barking, additional offenses within 12 months of preceding offense carries a fine not to exceed $2,000 with a required court appearance.
  • For a dog running at large, the first offense in the prior 12 months carries a fine of $81 with no court appearance required.
  • For a dog running at large, additional offenses within 12 months of preceding offense carries a fine not to exceed $2,000 with a required court appearance.
  • For the leashing of dogs, the first offense in the prior 12 months carries a fine of $60 with no court appearance required.
  • For the leashing of dogs, additional offenses within 12 months of the preceding offense carries a fine not to exceed $2,000 with a required court appearance.
  • For restrictions on leaving animals in vehicles, the first offense in the prior 12 months carries a fine minimum of $250 not to exceed $500 with no court appearance required.
  • For restrictions on leaving animals in vehicles, additional offenses within 12 months of preceding offense carries a fine not to exceed $2,000 with a required court appearance. The fine after the first offense previously was $1,000, according to the council agenda.

Chapter 147’s “Noise” subsection for Noise Disturbance violation and penalties states that any person who violates any of the provisions of Chapter 147 will be liable for a fine of not to exceed $2,000 for any offense or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days or both unless otherwise specified, according to the council.

For a noise distance across real property boundary, the first offense in prior 12 months carries a fine of $60 with no court appearance required. Additional offenses within 12 months of the preceding offense carries a fine not to exceed $2,000 with a court appearance required, according to the council.

Chapter 166’s “Property Maintenance Code” subsection for violations and penalties state that any owner who is not in full compliance with Chapter 166 or who otherwise violates any provision of this chapter or of the rules and regulations issued will be in addition to the payment of the prescribed licensing fee subject to a fine of not less than $230 and not more than $2,000 for each offense, according to the council.

Every day that a violation continues will constitute a separate and distinct offense. A first offense with 12 months does not require a court appearance; however, any additional offenses with 12 months of the preceding offense will require a court appearance, according to the council.

The council introduced and approved the ordinance on Aug. 24 during the council meeting via video conference. The second and final reading is scheduled for Sept. 14.

For more information, visit www.eastbrunswick.org/content/885/101/default.aspx.

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].