East Brunswick vocational school goes fully remote after student tests positive for COVID-19

EAST BRUNSWICK–Superintendent Dianne Veilleux has announced that a ninth grader has tested positive for COVID-19 on Sept. 9 at the Middlesex County Vocational and Technical High School’s East Brunswick campus.

Veilleux said in a prepared statement to the school district’s parents/guardians that the student was in attendance on Sept. 4.

“It is our responsibility to monitor health conditions in our school community. The New Jersey Department of Health requires that if there is one confirmed case in a school the school remains open and students and staff in close contact with the positive case are excluded from school for 14 days,” Veilleux said in the statement. “In this case, circumstances have made it challenging to trace all those in our school community who came in close contact with this one confirmed case.”

Therefore, Veilleux said in order to respect the state guidelines and maintain the high school’s safe school environment, the East Brunswick campus will go to a fully remote model for 14 days.

“All faculty and office staff will work from home for the duration. In-person instruction on the hybrid model will resume on Sept. 21, with staff reporting to the school,” Veilleux said. “During this time, students and staff will continue to follow the same reopening schedule we have been using since last week. Please reference our website under shortcuts for some resources regarding these schedules.”

Veilleux said if a student requires a device for remote instruction, they should complete a Tech Survey.

Information regarding lunch pickup will be posted on the district’s website.

“These are challenging times for our community but we will rise to the challenge. The important work of Middlesex County Vocational and Technical Schools will continue despite temporary setbacks,” Veilleux said in the statement. “I have every confidence that learning and good effective instruction will continue as we navigate this ever-challenging landscape together.”

Principal Michael Cappiello told students to visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” document on the school’s website homepage under “Shortcuts.”

“We hope this answers the many questions we have been thinking of and receiving. This is an extremely challenging time for all of us, and we would like to reiterate that this situation is constantly changing,” Cappiello said in the statement. “Our goal for this correspondence is to share our tentative plan so that you can best create your own plan based on the needs of your families. We will continue to update as we receive information.”

Cappiello said the district reopening plan that was previously sent out is still on the school’s website under the on-screen alerts section, as well as on the district website.

“We will be holding a virtual orientation for new students and parents/guardians as well as a virtual question-and-answer session with our administration next week,” Cappiello said in the statement. “Please be on the lookout for these soon to be scheduled events. Parent Genesis is now open.”

Cappiello said mandatory forms are required to be filled out by parents and students before full access to Genesis is granted.

“If you are a parent/guardian of a new student, you will receive an automatic email from Genesis to setup your account. Please check your inbox, spam, or junk folders for this email,” Cappiello said in the statement. “Free and reduced lunch applications should be completed through Genesis for all students eligible every year.”

Cappiello said the survey that was previously sent out regarding sending students to in-person schooling or full remote learning is closed. Responses have been recorded and are in the process of being analyzed.

“We will send another Honeywell tomorrow to the parents/guardians that have selected all remote learning for their child to confirm,” Cappiello said in the statement. “If you do not receive this Honeywell tomorrow, we are under the impression that your child will be returning to in-person schooling in September. … Thank you for your patience and understanding as this situation is constantly changing.”

For more information, visit www.mcvts.net/Page/31 or email Cappiello at [email protected].