Roadway improvements in Sayreville will not disrupt gas main installation

SAYREVILLE – The Sayreville Borough Council has adopted a bond ordinance that will appropriate $4 million towards improving borough roads and drainage.

On Sept. 14, council members adopted the bond ordinance that will provide for the $4 million appropriation allocated toward the improvements. The bond ordinance will also authorize the issuance of $3.55 million in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the appropriation.

The remaining costs of the $4 million appropriation will be covered by a $450,000 grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT), according to the bond ordinance.

As a result of the DOT grant, no down payment from the borough will be made to help finance the improvements.

The improvements authorized include Albert Street, Avon Way, Church Street, Ernston Road, French Street, Heims Lane, Midnight Street, Smullen Street, Sophie Street, Stratford Way and Vernon Way.

The funds will also be used toward the improvement of the drainage on Albert Street and French Street.

Mayor Victoria Kilpatrick and Council President Mary Novak said work will begin in 2021.

Resident Robert Cislo asked if the improvements would interfere with gas mains being installed by the Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), which the governing body said it would not. Novak explained that borough officials will send PSEG a list of the roads being worked on in advance in case there is overlap; the company will then perform any installations inside the roads before borough officials repave them.

“We’ve made it a point not to duplicate efforts,” Kilpatrick said. “Obviously, it disrupts everything and it’s money wasted.”