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Opinion: Sawicki can balance needs while making tough decisions

Please vote to re-elect Adam Sawicki to the Hopewell Valley Regional School District (HVRSD) Board of Education for another three year term. Adam is the kind of leader we need during this enormously challenging time. He has demonstrated that he can balance the needs and desires of parents, teachers, staff and the broader community, while leading our district through a process of making tough decisions.

For many reasons, we are fortunate that Adam wants to give us three more years.
Adam is:
• Effective. If you believe that HVRSD has improved during the last nine years, you should vote for the Hopewell Township board member that has served for that period in its entirety. During his time as Education Committee chair, the district climbed into the top tier of state and national school districts based upon objective rankings.
• Not afraid to take a stand. Adam voted to enable our kids to go back to school this year. He reviewed the data and sought out the advice of medical professionals. He weighed the opinions of school parents, nearly 70% of whom chose the option to send their kids back to school. And he ultimately voted against a plan to begin with all-remote learning offered by administrators and favored by several board members.
• Experienced. Adam has served as board vice president and chaired all but one of the board’s committees. As the Education Committee chair he drove the creation of new opportunities across a wide range of areas, including: advanced courses, STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), athletics, performing arts and special education. Next year, all other Hopewell Township board members will be serving in their first term.
• Fiscally focused. Adam is serving as Finance and Facilities chair, ensuring that district budgetary needs are balanced against taxpayer concerns. He is especially mindful of the need to proactively manage district expenses during a time of pandemic, declining enrollment and county-high per-pupil costs.
• Committed. Adam’s four kids have attended our schools and he is committed to guiding our district. He regularly commits hours of his time preparing for meetings, researching the issues, talking with parents and educators, and weighing the facts as well as opinions. I can personally attest that he listens to community members and is responsive to their concerns.

His commitment, fiscal focus, experience, effectiveness and demonstrated leadership are likely the reasons our community has elected Adam to the board for the last nine years. They are certainly the reasons that I will vote to re-elect him for another three.

Kathy Somers
Hopewell Township