Examiner News Briefs, Dec. 2

With the 2020 coronavirus pandemic remaining an issue and municipal meetings continuing to be held in a virtual setting, the Township Committee in Millstone Township has established procedures and requirements relating to remote meetings.

State officials have directed municipal officials to adopt the procedures at the local level.

Written public comments may be sent via email to Municipal Clerk Kathleen Hart or mailed to Hart’s office.

Written comments must be received at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of a meeting to be read into the record at the meeting. If a written comment is received after the deadline, it will be read into the record during the next meeting.

A time limit of three minutes will be dedicated to read each public comment into the record.

Members of the public who are participating in the meeting by remote internet access or by telephone will receive up to three minutes to make a comment.

According to a resolution, members of the public who are disruptive during a remote meeting may be muted and/or removed. The resolution defines disruptive conduct as sustained inappropriate behaviors that include shouting, interruption and the use of profanity.