Election results for Monroe Board of Education

There were elections for seats on Board of Education in Monroe on Nov. 3. There were no municipal elections in 2020.

The results listed here reflect what has been posted online by the Middlesex County Clerk’s Office at this time. The results are not final and it is not known when the results will be final.

The results of the election will remain unofficial until they are certified.

Monroe Board of Education (BOE): Three, three-year terms are available on the Monroe BOE. The race is contested. The candidates include incumbent Kathy Kolupanowich; and newcomers Sarah Aziz, Kathleen Belko, Karen Bierman, Jacob Koppel Egierd, Michael Elgawly, Kate Rattner and Christine Skurbe.

Aziz is running on the Accountability Honesty Dedication slate, Belko is running on the Change We Need slate, Bierman is running on the Transparency Participation Integrity slate, Egierd is running on the Real Change Now slate, and Skurbe is running on the Premier Affordable Education slate.

As of Nov. 4, Skurbe, with 6,942 votes, Belko, with 6,764 votes, and Bierman, with 6,233 votes, are leading the race.

Aziz has 5,494 votes, Egierd has 4,655 votes, Kolupanowich has 4,592 votes, Rattner has 4,468 votes and Elgawly has 1,868 votes. There are 35 write-in votes.