Election updates for committees and school boards in Bordentown Township, Bordentown City, Florence, Mansfield

The results listed here reflect what has been posted online by the Burlington County Clerk’s Office as of 3:26 p.m. Nov. 6. Mail-in ballots can be received through Nov. 10, and provisional ballots will be tabulated post-Nov. 11, according to the county.

The results are not final and it is not known when the results will be final.

The results of the election will remain unofficial until they are certified.

Bordentown Regional Board of Education: One seat is available for Bordentown City residents. Janet L. Nielsen received 1,359 of the total 1,406 votes cast. One seat is available for Bordentown Township residents. Eileen Francisco-Cabus received 3,502 of the 3,629 votes cast. One seat is available for a Fieldsboro resident. Joseph A. Dean, Jr. received 139 of the 147 total votes cast.

Bordentown Township Committee: Two seats are available. Democrat James H. Kostoplis received 3,530 votes, and fellow Democrat Aneka Miller received 3,521 votes. There were 76 write-in votes cast.

Florence Township Board of Education: Three seats are available. The election was non-partisan, with only two candidates entering the race. Christopher Conti received 3,230 votes. Susan M. Bassett received 3,402 votes. There were 7,654 total votes cast. There were 947 write-in votes.

Mansfield Township Committee: Two seats are available. Republicans Janice A. DiGiuseppe received 2,021 votes and Efthimios “Paul” Tsiknakis received 2,024 votes. There were 4,528 write-in votes.

North Burlington Regional Board of Education – Mansfield Township seat: There is one seat available. T.N. Ramalinga Redy received 1,162 votes. Kerri Tillett received 2,254 votes. There were 74 write-in votes cast.

Mansfield Township Board of Education: Three seats are available. Qunishauna Phillips received 1,062 votes. Emily Green received 2,424 votes. Radiah Gamble received 1,201 votes. Allyson Johnston received 2,782 votes. Frank Armenante received 2,237 votes. There were 136 write-in votes cast.

Mansfield Township Board of Education, one-year unexpired term: There were 213 write-in votes cast for the one seat, which had no candidate officially running.

Burlington County election results will be updated every day at 5 p.m. at www.co.burlington.nj.us/DocumentCenter/View/3942/General-Election?bidId=