Flemming, Chisholm and Borrelli excited to begin four-year terms on Jackson council

JACKSON – The three men who were elected to four-year terms on the Jackson Township Council in the Nov. 3 municipal election are looking forward to living up to residents’ expectations in 2021.

Marty Flemming, Steve Chisholm Jr. and Nino Borrelli ran unopposed. According to results posted on the Ocean County Clerk’s Office website, as of Nov. 18, Flemming had 19,812 votes, Borrelli had 19,680 votes and Chisholm had 19,213 votes.

The results of the election will remain unofficial until they have been certified by the county.

Flemming and Chisholm are current members of the Township Council and Borrelli is a current member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Jackson has a nonpartisan form of local government and the candidates did not run under the banner of a political party.

Flemming owns County Line Hardware in Jackson. He was appointed to the council in January and has served through 2020.

“I was honored to be asked to fulfill an unexpired term, especially since I had had very little exposure to our town politics. Getting elected in my own right is a humbling experience.

“Having your town exhibit enough confidence in you as a person to put you in this position is a great feeling. I will give my best effort to make Jackson an even better place to live than it already is.

“Going forward, our council focus is to control our building as much as possible and to acquire as much open space as the town can afford with the approved open space tax increase. The more trees we can keep, the nicer the town can stay,” Flemming said.

Chisholm has been a resident of Jackson for more than 40 years. He works for his family business, Aspen Tree Expert Co. Chisholm was appointed to the council in June to serve the remainder of 2020. His first full term will begin in January.

“It is very humbling and satisfying to have the support of the voters and to know they are the ones who have put me there to serve their interests. It’s a special thing to earn the public trust and I am looking forward to living up to that trust,” Chisholm said.

Borrelli has lived in Jackson since 2017 and works in human resources at the New Jersey Department of Human Services. He will take his seat on the council in January.

“To me, being elected means fulfilling the trust and confidence placed in me by an overwhelming number of Jackson voters to serve as their councilman and representing every resident’s best interests in our wonderful town.

“Being elected (means) listening to the residents and I hear them loud and clear from the election results that they would like Councilman Flemming, Councilman Chisholm and I to follow through on our campaign pledge to Jackson, which is protect valuable open space from development, keep municipal taxes and spending in check, stand with our police and keep our town safe.

“I am very thankful to the voters who placed their trust and confidence in Marty, Steve and I to be their councilmen. We will work hard to serve and represent our fellow residents. I look forward to the honor of being their councilman and joining Marty, Steve, council President Alex Sauickie and Vice President Andy Kern on the dais soon,” Borrelli said.