Three Red Bank police officers honored by council with life-saving award

RED BANK – Three officers in the Red Bank Police Department have been publicly recognized by municipal officials for saving the life of a young man in the borough.

During a Borough Council meeting on Nov. 10, Patrolman Cevin Albert, Sgt. Matthew Ehrenreich and Patrolman Milton Gray were recognized with a Life-Saving Award.

The award was presented in connection with the officers’ actions on Nov. 2. During an incident in Red Bank that day, the officers saved the life of juvenile resident, according to municipal officials.

According to a resolution that was passed by the council members and recognized Albert, Ehrenreich and Gray, the officers responded to a dispute that led to the young man breaking a window. The broken window caused a severe laceration to his arm.

The resolution states that by observing the severity of the juvenile’s injury and the presence of arterial bleeding, the officers determined bleeding control was required as a life-saving measure.

Because the officers had received tourniquet application and bleeding control training and because they were equipped with a combat tourniquet, they were able to successfully apply the tourniquet despite the fact the young man was being uncooperative.

“The quick thinking and prompt actions of the officers was later deemed necessary and appropriate as the patient had severed his brachial artery which would have caused a fatal loss of blood,” municipal officials said in the resolution.

Following the incident, Police Chief Darren McConnell recommended that Albert, Ehrenreich and Gray each receive a Life-Saving Award. Shortly thereafter, the officers received their awards from the Borough Council.