Freehold Borough audit shows no issues with town’s financial records

FREEHOLD – No recommendations for corrective action were made in the 2019 municipal audit of Freehold Borough.

During a recent Borough Council meeting, members of the governing body passed a resolution to accept the 2019 audit. Under state law, the governing body of every municipality must conduct an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions.

The audit of Freehold Borough’s finances and financial records was conducted by Suplee, Clooney & Company.

According to municipal officials, the audit contains no recommendations and because no recommendations were made, officials were not required to prepare a corrective action plan.

In other business, council members authorized the submission of an application to the New Jersey Department of Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program 2020.

According to a resolution, officials are seeking state funding for a downtown streetscape improvement project. The primary activity of the project will be to complete streetscape improvements that are intended to improve pedestrian access to the borough’s downtown area and its aesthetic.

The maximum amount of grant funds available for the project is $1 million and borough officials will provide additional money for full funding, according to the resolution.

Because the primary activity of the project involves land owned by Freehold Borough, municipal officials committed to maintain the streetscape once it has been developed.

And, council members awarded a contract to Level G Consulting Inc. for the implementation of a parking management plan. According to a resolution, the contract is in an amount not to exceed $15,000.

Level G Consulting previously provided Freehold Borough officials with a downtown parking study which included parking management strategies that were designed to create a more balanced use of the borough’s existing public parking supply.

Through the new contract, Level G Consulting will provide assistance to borough officials in reviewing and implementing the plan, according to the resolution.

Details of the plan have not yet been made publicly available; borough officials said the details of the plan may be provided in an upcoming press release.