Law enforcement to target impaired drivers

Law enforcement officers from the Old Bridge Township Police Department will be cracking down on drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs as part of the annual year-end Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over statewide campaign.

From Dec. 4 through Jan. 1, 2021, local and state law enforcement officers will conduct sobriety checkpoints and roving patrols looking for motorists who may be driving while impaired.

The national effort endeavors to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving through a combination of high visibility enforcement and public education.

The Old Bridge Police Department offers the following advice, according to information released by the department on Nov. 30:

– Take mass transit, a taxi or ask a sober friend to drive you home

– Spend the night where the activity is held

– If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement

– Always use a seat belt

– If you are intoxicated and traveling on foot, take a cab or ask a sober friend to drive you home

– Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel.