Independent Datebook, Dec. 23

• With the continued spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey, the administrators of the Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, have decided to temporarily close the museum. The Nilson and Main galleries will be closed to visitors beginning Jan. 4. The Wonder Wing and the Becker Children’s Wing will remain temporarily closed. The museum is open by appointment only now through Jan. 4 with its 42nd annual Juried Exhibit and the Members Miniatures Exhibit. Details: Email [email protected]

• The Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County will offer a Zoom presentation, “Shalom Bollywood: The Untold Story of Indian Cinema,” from 6 p.m. Dec. 22 through 6 p.m. Dec. 25. Call 732-252-6990 to receive a Zoom link which is good for viewing the film at any time between the dates and times noted. All donations are appreciated.

• Dove Hospice Services of New Jersey is seeking volunteers to provide support to hospice patients and their families throughout Monmouth County. Volunteers visit with patients in their home, which can also be nursing facilities and/or assisted living facilities, at least once a week. Visits can also be virtual and are during the day or early evening. Details: Deborah Adams, 732-405-3035, or email [email protected]

• The Monmouth County Park System will host a “Clear the House Stroll” at 10 a.m. Dec. 24 at Deep Cut Gardens, Middletown. Send everyone for a one-hour stroll through the gardens with a park system naturalist to enjoy Deep Cut’s winter splendor. This is a free activity. Details: 732-842-4000.

• The Monmouth Museum, Lincroft, has announced two exhibitions which will take place during the 2020-21 holiday season. The 42nd annual Juried Art Exhibition and the Member Miniatures show will be in the Main and Nilson galleries, respectively, from now through Jan. 3. Reserve a space ahead of time at Details: 732-224-1988.

• Embroiderers’ Guild of America – Monmouth Chapter is dedicated to teaching and sharing the joys of needlework. The organization welcome stitchers of all levels. Evening stitchers will meet via Zoom on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Day stitchers will meet via Zoom on the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. Details: Toni, 732-462-5540, or visit

• The Monmouth County Library is offering a weekly virtual bereavement meeting for all
those who have lost a loved one and are navigating the maze of emotions and trying to make decisions in a new way. The virtual meetings provide an opportunity for people to share experiences, feelings and ideas. Sessions are conducted on Webex and registration is possible on Eventkeeper in order to receive information on how to access the meetings, held Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. Details: Email [email protected]

• Residents struggling with substance use issues may call 1-844-ReachNJ to speak with counselors ready to offer assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. ReachNJ is a free, confidential hotline that provides individuals with concerns about their own or a family member’s substance use immediate help and treatment referrals. The help line is always answered by a live specialist.

Items for the Datebook may be sent to [email protected]. Please send items at least two weeks prior to a scheduled event.