25th anniversary Archives and History Day event will be live-streamed Dec. 22

Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon has announced that the 25th annual Monmouth County Archives and History Day will take place as a live virtual event on Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m., and will be live-streamed on the Monmouth County Clerk’s Facebook and
YouTube pages.

The event will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the event which is hosted by the
Monmouth County Clerk’s Office annually to celebrate local and state history, according to a press release.

“Since we were unable to host our in-person event in October due to the COVID-19 health crisis, the Monmouth County Clerk’s Office is pleased to launch and live-stream the 2020 Archives and History Day in a video format,” said Hanlon. “This video will also commemorate and highlight the 25-year history of the Monmouth County Archives and History Day.”

Since 1995, the county clerk’s Archives and History Day has provided the opportunity for historians, archivists and others to come together and learn from each other, while showcasing their latest projects and exhibitions to the public, according to the press release.

This 40-minute video will also focus on the 25-year history of the event, in addition to
featuring the 2020 Archives and History Day theme, exhibits and award winners.

“This 2020 video has been a work in progress for many months and we are excited
that we were able to complete and share it before the year’s end,” said Hanlon.

The 25th annual Archives and History Day video will be live-streamed on Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. on the Monmouth County Clerk’s Facebook page at
Facebook.com/MonmouthCountyClerk and YouTube channel for public viewing.