South River adopts bond ordinance funding roof replacements and new fire truck

SOUTH RIVER–In order to fund roof replacements and the purchase of a new fire truck, the Borough Council adopted a $665,000 bond ordinance for various capital improvements.

The various improvements that need to be performed include roof replacement at municipal buildings, the replacement of gas tanks and the purchase of a new fire truck.

Chief Financial Officer Joseph Zanga said the borough is using $130,000 to replace the gas tanks and $40,000 will be used to replace the roofs.

“The funding for the architect is a little bit higher than we anticipated in the first ordinance we did, so this is the remainder of the money to try and get the roof project completed, and the fire truck is $530,000 in the bond,” Zanga said.

The council adopted and approved the bond ordinance on Dec. 21 during the council meeting via video conference.

While the total cost for the capital improvements is $700,000, the borough will make a $35,000 down payment to cover the remaining balance, according to the council.

This bond ordinance will take effect 20 days after publication after final adoption, as provided by the Local Bond Law, according to the council.

In other news, the council approved a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a $1,010,750 bid from A.C. Shultes Inc. to replace water well number two.

Borough Administrator Art Londensky said the current well failed to pump water from the level of 198 feet.

The council had previously authorized and directed Borough Clerk Bill Bray to advertise for the receipt of sealed bids for replacement of well number two, according to the council.

Those bids were received on Dec. 3 and opened and read aloud in public and an examination shows that A.C. Shultes Inc. of Woodbury Heights was the low bidder with a submitted bid of $1,010,750, according to the council.

Londensky said the borough has been using three water wells.

The council approved the resolution accepting the bid from A.C. Shulttes Inc. on Dec. 21 during the council meeting.

Weather permitting, Londensky said construction to replace the well will began as soon as possible.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].