Organization provides at-risk families with HOME

The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Somerset County announces a new name, HOME of Somerset County, Inc., reflecting the nonprofit agency’s four core components: Housing, Outreach, Multifaith, Empowerment.

HOME of Somerset County provides emergency shelter, transitional housing and support services to families throughout Somerset County, supported by a network of volunteers from over 30 religious congregations in the county.

“We are excited about beginning 2021 with a new name and renewed commitment to address family homelessness and help at- risk families gain independence and end the cycle of poverty,“ Alyssa Martini, executive director of HOME, said in a prepared statement. “With the COVID pandemic and rising unemployment, at-risk families need a HOME more than ever. The community and our member congregations have been incredibly supportive over the last 10 months as we continue to combat family homelessness.”

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