Monmouth County Library schedules events during January

A radio play, the good and bad of coffee, and the magic and importance on bees are all available at the Monmouth County Library during January.

Historian Michael Adelberg, recognized as one of the foremost authorities about Monmouth County during the American Revolution, and author of several books on this area during the Revolutionary War, will present “Rebellion Before Revolution: Pre-war Tremors in Monmouth County” on Jan. 21 at 7 p.m. in a program presented by the Monmouth County Historical Association and co-sponsored by the library, according to a press release.

Adelberg’s session will be conducted on Zoom and registration and internet access are required to attend. Registration is on the library’s upcoming events list at Information will be emailed giving information on accessing the lecture.

Mike Haberland, associate professor and County Agent II with Rutgers Cooperative Extension, will present a program about bees, how their colonies are organized and the unique biology of the insect. That program will be presented at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 21 on Zoom, with registration on the library’s website under Upcoming Events.

Haberlund will also discuss the tools and work beekeepers must have in order to manage beehives, according to the press release.

The Hobbit, the 1930s book by J.R.R.Tolkien which still remains a favorite, will be the subject of a virtual radio play on Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m.. The play will also be available for viewing through Jan. 21.

Presented by Alex Dawsen, the radio play features Jane Smith, Michael Jarmus and Dawsen and the program also includes time for a question and answer period on Zoom. Registration is on the library’s Upcoming Events list.

The Master Gardeners Virtual Helpline of gardening questions will be on Webex on Jan. 14 at 7 p.m. featuring Diane Larson of the Rutgers Masters Gardeners of Monmouth County.

Larson, who is the county horticulturist and coordinator for the Rutgers Gardeners, is asking interested persons to email questions in advance to [email protected] so she can present comprehensive responses during the lecture, according to the press release.

“Coffee. Good, Bad, Indifferent or Necessary” will be presented on Jan. 19 at 11 a.m. with Family and Community Health Sciences Department Educator Sharese Porter highlighting some of the research on the beverage, as well as directions for making the perfect cup.

The library’s online offerings also include informational programs about Medicare, virtual book reviews for teenagers, a virtual escape room for teens, a teen trivia night and SAT math classes, book reviews, discussion groups and virtual concerts, according to the press release.

Information about all programs offered by the Monmouth County Library is available at or visit the site at @MonCoLibrary.