Eatontown officials designate borough as stigma-free community

EATONTOWN – Members of the Borough Council have passed a resolution which designates Eatontown as a stigma-free community.

According to the resolution, a stigma-free community seeks to inspire public interest and to open dialogue about stigma, raise awareness of the disease of mental illness and substance use disorders, and create a culture where residents who have mental illness and/or substance use disorders feel supported by their community and feel free to seek treatment without fear of stigma.

The Borough Council’s resolution states that establishing stigma-free communities will raise awareness of resources, have inclusive language and encourage residents to engage in care so recovery can begin and tragedies are avoided.

The action taken by Eatontown’s elected representatives in January followed action taken in September by Monmouth County’s governing body, which in collaboration with the Division of Behavioral Health announced the launch of the Stigma-Free Monmouth website (

The Monmouth County Stigma-Free Action Committee initiative was developed to help spread the message for individuals who have behavioral health illnesses and substance use disorders, according to a press release from the county.

The Monmouth County Stigma-Free Action Committee believes every individual deserves to be treated with respect and that everyone should be able to get help without fear, according to the press release.