Allentown News Briefs, Feb. 3

Allentown Borough Council members took the following actions during a meeting of the mayor and council on Jan. 19:

• Officials authorized payment to the Earle Asphalt Company for repairs at Farmer Drive. According to a resolution, there was an emergency water main leak on Nov. 25, 2020 at Farmer Drive requiring repairs in the amount of $7,036.

• Officials authorized Rick Tree Service Inc. to perform tree work at various locations throughout the borough. According to a resolution, the company can perform the necessary work in an amount not to exceed $13,188. The Department of Public Works superintendent and the Building and Grounds Standing Committee supported the proposed action.

• Officials authorized Resource Management Group LLC to remove asbestos at the municipal annex building on Church Street. According to a resolution, there is a need to remove asbestos from the annex and Resource Management Group informed borough officials the work required to remove and dispose of the asbestos may be completed in the amount not to exceed $6,950. The Department of Public Works superintendent and the Building and Grounds Standing Committee supported the proposed action.