Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling will donate HVAC system to essential worker

Conway Comfort Heating & Cooling, a local heating and air conditioning company in East Windsor, will be donating a full HVAC system to an essential worker in March to say thank you for their ongoing efforts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic approaches, Conway Comfort believes it is important to recognize the true heroes of the community, according to information provided by the company.

“We know the last year has been hard on everybody, and as we come up on the one-year mark of living with this virus, we really wanted to do something to start fresh in 2021 and I think the best way to do that is to honor the people who have been on the front lines,” the owner of the company, Brian Conway, said in the statement.

Conway Comfort is encouraging members of the community to nominate an essential worker they believe is deserving of a new system.

Nominations can be submitted on Conway Comfort’s Facebook page or emailed to [email protected].

The winner will be announced on social media and on the company’s website during the first week of April.