Higgins named judge; Freehold Borough officials appoint new municipal attorney

FREEHOLD – Kerry Higgins, who served as Freehold Borough’s municipal attorney for 25 years, has been appointed a state Superior Court judge. With that announcement, Higgins has left her municipal position.

Higgins is a partner at McKenna, DuPont, Higgins and Stone, of Red Bank.

In a Facebook post, municipal officials in Freehold Borough said, “It is with great pride and a little sadness that we announce the appointment of our colleague Kerry Higgins to the judiciary as a Superior Court judge; pride because we have had the wonderful benefit of Kerry’s advice, friendship and counsel as Freehold Borough’s attorney for many years and a hint of sadness that she will no longer be available to us in that capacity.

“We know Kerry will make an outstanding judge who will serve the people of this state as she served Freehold Borough, with compassion, dignity, fairness, kindness and human decency,” municipal officials said.

During a Borough Council meeting on Feb. 19, Freehold Borough officials announced that Matthew Goode has been named borough attorney. Goode is the current president of the Keyport Borough Council.

In comments at the meeting, Higgins said, “I will always be a friend of Freehold Borough. I truly appreciate working here. Freehold Borough has always had the best interests of its residents. While there aren’t always agreements, people have never let their personal feelings get in the way of helping the town.

“It has been a privilege and honor to serve here. It has been a labor of love. I am so thankful for the friendships developed over the years and I am so grateful I was able to contribute something along the way,” she said.

Higgins voiced her support of Goode’s appointment and said, “Freehold Borough is moving in the right direction. Matt is the guy who will take you there.”

Goode has been a member of the Keyport governing body since 2016. He is serving as the council president during 2021.

According to his municipal biography, Goode holds a law degree from the University of Georgia School of Law and is a member of the firm Arbus, Maybruch and Goode, of Hazlet. He has resided in Keyport since 2013.

Goode thanked the council members and Freehold Borough Mayor Kevin Kane for their support and congratulated Higgins on becoming a Superior Court judge.

“Kerry, congratulations on your new role,” he said. “I know I have very large shoes to fill.”

Goode noted that he previously worked with Freehold Borough Business Administrator Stephen Gallo, who was Keyport’s business administrator when he was hired by Freehold Borough officials in 2019.