Jackson residents may submit comments about Altice service

JACKSON – According to municipal officials in Jackson, for some time, Altice customers have been experiencing issues with services provided by the company.

In a press release, municipal officials said the issues with the company’s services became more evident and troublesome with the remote learning implemented by school districts and the need for more individuals to work from home.

Customers in Jackson and surrounding towns have experienced slow, spotty service and in some cases a complete loss of service, according to the press release.

After several attempts to rectify the situation, to no avail, ultimately resulting in the filing of complaints with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU), the BPU has entered an order finding there is sufficient cause to convene a proceeding to afford municipal officials and Altice customers the opportunity to voice their concerns, according to the press release.

“We are so pleased to hear our complaints and efforts have been acknowledged and have resulted in this action. Jackson will definitely be represented in this hearing so we would love to hear our residents’ concerns to bring to the table,” Mayor Michael Reina said.

The hearing is scheduled to take place on March 16. Reina and members of the Township Council are asking anyone who would like to contribute a comment or a concern to send an email to [email protected] by March 10.