Marlboro planners approve affordable housing on Texas Road

MARLBORO – Members of the Marlboro Planning Board have approved an application that proposed the construction of 387 residential units on Texas Road near the intersection of Falson Lane and Wooleytown Road in the Morganville section of the community.

The application submitted by Pallu Associates was approved following testimony during a meeting on March 3. The applicant was represented by attorney Bryan Plocker.

The application was made as part of a court approved settlement of litigation regarding Marlboro’s constitutional obligation to provide its fair share of housing to families with low and moderate incomes.

The GH-3 zoning district and its zoning requirements were created specifically as part of Marlboro’s settlement obligations in the litigation.

The project that was before the board and the uses proposed by Pallu Associates are permitted in the GH-3 zone, according to a legal notice that was published by Plocker prior to the meeting.

The board members approved the construction of 16 three-story multi-family apartment buildings on the 39-acre site at the northwest corner of the intersection of Texas Road with Wooleytown Road and Falson Lane.

Of the 387 residential units to be constructed, 78 have been designated as affordable housing rental units for individuals of all ages who have a low income or a moderate income, according to the applicant’s presentation.

The remaining 309 residential units to be constructed at the site will be rental units available at market rates and open to individuals of all ages.

At present, the property is undeveloped and heavily wooded, with the exception of a cleared Jersey Central Power and Light easement that runs through the center of the property. The JCP&L easement contains two First Energy transmission structures and overhead wires.

The residential development will include the construction of a 5,868-square-foot clubhouse, a pool, a tennis court, a playground and one electric vehicle charging station/parking stall.

A total of 808 parking spaces are proposed throughout throughout the site. Engineer Steven Cattani, representing the applicant, said 759 parking spaces were required.

Cattani said the applicant will work with Marlboro’s professionals to plan the proper striping and designation of fire lanes and emergency vehicle lanes as a condition of the application’s approval.

Traffic engineer Andrew Jafolla answered questions as to whether a traffic signal would be installed or a four-way stop would be created at the intersection of Texas Road with Falson Lane and Wooleytown Road.

At present, there are stop signs on Falson Lane and Wooleytown Road and vehicles on Texas Road do not stop at the intersection.

“The intersection (of Texas Road with Wolleytown Road and Falson Lane) would not meet the traffic volume threshold mandated by federal guidelines to allow a traffic signal to be installed,” Jafolla testified.

“To install a four-way stop at the intersection, that is something that would need to go through the Township Council. The council would need to pass an ordinance that would have supporting information for the passage of (of a four-way stop).

“Based on the current traffic study, I do not think (a four-way stop) is warranted, however, the applicant would be happy to install a four-way stop if the Township Council went forward with that supported ordinance,” Jafolla said.

Following the conclusion of testimony, a motion was made to approve the Pallu Associates application.

Voting “yes” on the motion were Planning Board Vice Chairman Andrew Pargament and board members Mayor Jonathan Hornik, Township Councilwoman Carol Mazzola, Lynn Franco, David Gagliano, Steven Kansky,  Andrew Kessler and Michael Slotopolsky.