Examiner News Briefs, March 17

An increase has been authorized by the Township Committee in Millstone Township in a contract for improvements to municipal roads.

On March 3, committee members approved a $60,400 increase in a $1.41 million contract that had been awarded to Meco Inc. for the 2020 road improvement project. The contract will now total $1.47 million.

According to a resolution, the change order was issued after Township Engineer Matt Shafai requested additional work for drainage improvements and repairs. The additional work included drainage improvements and repairs on Parkside Way, Quail Hill Road, Alpine Drive, Emmons Drive and Graham Place.

In other township news, committee members appointed Annely Gomez as a technical assistant to the construction official. The position has an annual salary of $48,000.

And, committee members authorized the Monmouth County Mosquito Control Division to conduct aerial mosquito control operations in Millstone. A resolution was required because Millstone is designated as a “congested area” by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Finally, committee members authorized a jurisdictional agreement between Millstone Township and the state for highway maintenance and control of Route 33 intersections and municipal streets from DeBaun Road to Millstone Road. The agreement was made at the request of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.