Tri-Town News news briefs, March 24

The Howell Township Council has awarded a contract for the collection, removal and disposal of recyclables to Central Jersey Waste and Recycling, Ewing Township, for two years, beginning April 5.

In the first year, the cost of pickup and hauling is $667,565; the additional fixed cost is $35,700; and the estimated tipping fees are $168,000, according to municipal officials.

In the second year, the cost of pickup and hauling is $688,492; the additional fixed cost is $36,780; and the estimated tipping fees are $175,000, according to municipal officials.

Recyclables are picked up once every two weeks from Howell residences only. Central Jersey Waste and Recycling has the current contract which will conclude at the end of March.


Howell Township Council members have authorized a shared services agreement with Colts Neck for the provision of Department of Public Works services until Dec. 31, 2022.

According to the agreement, the Howell DPW will offer Colts Neck services to include catch basin cleaning, culvert repairs, diesel inspections, equipment use (with equipment operator), guide rail installation, leaf collection, mowing, paving, plowing, recycling, salting and sanding, street sign installation, street sweeping, towing, traffic signal installation, vehicle maintenance, vehicle painting and vehicle repairs.

According to the agreement, it is the intent that Howell will recoup its actual costs in providing the services, but no profit. The cost of the services will be the estimated actual cost to Howell for the requested equipment, materials and labor, as quoted by Howell.

Colts Neck officials will request services as needed. Howell officials will approve the request and issue a fixed or an estimated price quotation. Colts Neck officials will decide whether to accept the services offered by Howell, according to the agreement.