Old Bridge officials remember 150 township residents who lost their lives to COVID-19

OLD BRIDGE – Mayor Owen Henry and members of the Township Council lit candles and stood at silence for 150 seconds to remember those residents who have died to date in the township due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Fifteen empty chairs in council chambers were illuminated during a council meeting on March 9. Each chair reflected 10 residents who have passed away since March 2020. Also, empty chairs were symbolically placed on the Municipal Complex lawn behind the public library to honor the residents. A lit candle was set on each chair and a “Deep in our Hearts” floral arrangement remained lit until March 10.

“As residents pass by, I ask all to remember that each empty chair reflects a lost life,” Henry said, adding unfortunately as time goes on, more chairs will be added. “The grief and suffering of this loss must be recognized. Let us keep in minds the families who are unable to properly mourn the loss of their loved ones and those who weren’t able to get the proper deserving sendoff.”

Township officials held the memorial service as the one-year mark approaches since the first recorded COVID related death in Old Bridge.

“This is a somber part of history we will never forget,” Henry said. “It’s going to be recorded as some of the most difficult times this nation has faced and these times have been filled with grief and sadness.”

As of March 10, officials reported 200 new positive COVID-19 cases over a seven-day period, which brings the total number of cases in the township to 6,014. The seven-day period was from March 3-9.

Henry urged residents to stay safe and continue to do their part in preventing the spread of the virus.

Residents can view the ceremony live on OBTV and Youtube. Old Bridge will soon begin efforts to determine a permanent COVID-19 Memorial within the township.