Sue Zelda Stember, 98

Sue Zelda Stember died on 3/6/2021 at her home in South Brunswick.  She was 98 years old.  She was the wife of the late Charles Herbert Stember, and is survived by her children: Nicholas Samuel Stember and Emily Maxine van Wincoop, son-in-law Eric van Wincoop and Sam’s wife, Majken Moeller Stember, grandchildren Sophia, Oliver and Henry as well as a great many friends in Princeton, Israel, Taiwan, and other parts of the world.  Before moving to this area she was a professional singer on radio, television and stages in the United States, Israel and other countries.  She recorded for Radio Free Europe and travelled with a USO Unit entertaining our soldiers during World War II.  She appeared on the Arthur Godfrey Show, Chance of a Lifetime, and a weekly show on Channel 13 for three years.

Over the years that she lived in Princeton, she was involved in Home Front, the Princeton Photography Club, Community Without Walls, the Jewish Center, On Stage and the Havurah.  She was Golde in Fiddler on the Roof at McCarter and in Washington State Park.  Her photographs of children are in many homes in this area. An online gathering for friends and family will be held at a future date.