North Brunswick school board member focused on varied experience for students

Paragi N. Patel PharmD RPh is the newest member of the North Brunswick Township Schools Board of Education.
Patel has lived in North Brunswick for more than 10 years. She and her husband have two children in the school district.
Patel, who holds a doctorate in pharmacy, has also volunteered for Ayati and Unity SME.
When a seat on the school board opened in February because Traci Rubin moved out of the area, Patel sought the appointment, as did Jonathan Wright, Joseph Aloia, Ariel Pina and Mira D. Purohit.
“As a parent, I feel it’s important to be involved in their education. My oldest child currently attends North Brunswick Township High School and my second child attends North Brunswick Township Middle School. Therefore, I have a vested interest in the North Brunswick education system.
“I have always been a strong proponent of quality education and extracurricular activities.
“As a member of the North Brunswick school board, I feel I can bring forth my experiences, a fresh perspective and assist the district to ensure our children receive the highest education. I have a strong passion to work with the other leaders on the board,” Patel said.
Although this is Patel’s first time holding public office, she said her experiences as a class mother at Parsons Elementary School and a team parent for North Brunswick recreation soccer and travel softball “have shown a consistent record of exceptional organization, strong team leadership and successful project management.”
“My goal is ensure our students and staff have all the tools and resources they need to succeed. As a member of the board, I hope to provide our children the best education so they can become honorable, outstanding citizens from North Brunswick,” she said.
She said her key issues of focus will be to ensure students have a varied experience and support as needed in order to succeed.
Patel was sworn in as a board member before a special budget meeting on March 20.
The term runs through the board’s January 2023 reorganization meeting.
The seat will be up for election during the November general election.
Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected]