Opinion: Children must return to in-person learning

In-person learning is essential to every school-age child. While the pandemic affected how children have learned since March 2020, districts in Mercer County have begun to return, with precautions, to full-time days.

Lawrence Township Public Schools is not one of those districts.

Although they’ve taken steps in the right direction, Superintendent Ross Kasun and the Board of Education stand firm in their belief that a return to full-time, in-person learning is not necessary, or possible, for the current school year. I disagree as do many Lawrence parents.

Dr. Kasun repeatedly tells parents it does not matter that Princeton and Robbinsville found ways to return their students this year because “Lawrence is different.” Yet, he hasn’t answered our question: Why is Lawrence so different that it can’t take the same actions as other districts?

For more than a year, our children have not received the quality and quantity of learning they need, despite the best efforts of our dedicated teachers. I fear students have been hurt both educationally and emotionally. Dr. Kasun has committed to a full return in September but given what I’ve seen to date from this district, I am skeptical he will follow through on this commitment.

Michael Horan

Horan is a former member of the Lawrence Township Board of Education.