Children from Princeton Montessori help assemble meals for TASK

Princeton Montessori School (PMonts) students and families donated, assembled and delivered 300 bagged meals to the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) for the school’s ninth annual food drive.

Canned goods, drinks and other shelf-stable foods were collected in bins throughout the school over the past few weeks and students participated in the creation and assembly of the bagged meals.

The effort took place at the PMonts campus on Cherry Valley Road and was coordinated by the school’s Parent Association chairs, Rebecca Piccone and Providence More.

“This was the ninth year that PMonts participated in creating 300 take-home meals for our neighbors in need,” Piccone said in a statement provided by the school. “Everyone at the school was involved, including students, parents, and teachers. It was a beautiful day of compassion and community.”

Community service is an important part of the Montessori teaching philosophy and students from each program had a role in the food drive, according to the statement. The primary children (ages 3-6) created drawings on the meal bags and wrote uplifting messages on cards. First and second grade students helped unpack the food donations and broke down the boxes for recycling. Third to fifth graders assembled the meal bags and sixth to eighth graders helped load the meals into the van headed to TASK.