Chair of East Windsor Environmental Commission honored for leading ‘green’ efforts

Mayor Janice S. Mironov proclaimed National Volunteer Week, recognizing longtime East Windsor resident Ronald Balint, chairperson of the township Environmental Commission and chairperson of the East Windsor Green Team, for his outstanding service and accomplishments. 

“Each year in East Windsor Township we observe National Volunteer Week as we are very blessed to have a great number of citizens who volunteer their time, skills and talents to participate in our government, and during this time we recognize an individual or group who embodies the spirit of volunteerism and have particularly contributed to the programs and activities in the township,” Mironov said in a prepared statement.

Balint has been a volunteer member since 2000 and chairperson of the Environmental Commission, and has been chair of the Green Team since 2011. 

The proclamation in his honor states, “As chairperson of the Environmental Commission, Ronald Balint has been a dedicated and valuable caring leader for the local environment, and has contributed to numerous township initiatives and events, including initiating and executing the Etra Park Arboretum project, organizing and carrying out the annual Arbor Day Tree Tubeling Giveaway, and maintaining the township Community Forestry Management Plan. 

“Ronald Balint, as chairperson of the Green Team, conscientiously and actively oversees and coordinates all application details of the township Sustainable Jersey action items and certification submissions, and as a result of his effective organizational skills and tireless efforts, East Windsor earned Bronze Level Certification in 2012, and Silver Level Certification in 2015 and 2018, and in the process of finalizing the 2021 filing to renew the township Silver Level Certification – a prestigious achievement that reflects Ronald’s hard work, dependability, resourcefulness, and commitment to sustainability.”

Mironov said, “Ronald Balint truly is an exceptional asset to East Windsor and our entire community due to his tenacity, tireless work ethic, and unwavering commitment to the environment. He is highly regarded by township elected officials and staff as an outstanding and dedicated volunteer, and we are extremely thankful to Ronald for all of the time and energy he has selflessly dedicated to East Windsor.”

Council Member John Zoller, who serves as council liaison to the Environmental Commission, also thanked Ron Balint for his extraordinary efforts.

“Ron has always done a good job moving the township forward toward achieving our goals, and it is our honor to recognize him,” he said in the statement.