Princeton P.D. blotter

Someone allegedly gained access to a Wilson Road resident’s name, address and credit card and used it to buy an Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max cell phone and an Apple iWatch, valued at a combined $1,491.68. The incident was reported on May 3.

A Meetinghouse Court resident told police that someone wired $5,900 from her CitiBank account into an unknown person’s bank account without her permission. The incident was reported May 3.

A Spring Street resident was scammed out of $4,000 after a man called her and told her that $10,000 had been accidentally deposited into her bank account. He told her to buy Target gift cards and to provide him with the gift card numbers and access codes to repay the money to him, according to reports. She sent him $4,000 before realizing it was a scam. The incident was reported April 29.

Someone allegedly used a Randall Road resident’s personal information in an attempt to get credit to buy high-end vehicles in a case of identity theft. It was reported to police on April 30.

An employee of a store in the 200 block of Nassau Street reported that someone has been stealing newspapers from outside of the store. The suspect stole four newspapers around 4:30 a.m. April 16 and stole four more newspapers at 4:30 a.m. April 20, according to reports.

Someone scratched the hood of a car twice while it was parked in the parking lot at a Herrontown Road office, causing an estimated $500 worth of damage. The incident was reported April 27.

A woman told police that she saw a neighbor put his dog on top of her car on two separate occasions while it was parked in the lot at Redding Circle and encouraged the dog to scratch and dig the paint on the car, causing an estimated $500 in damage. She reported it on April 29.

Six unlocked cars were entered overnight between April 21 and 22 while they were parked in front of their owners’ homes on Roper Road. The thief rummaged through the cars, but only $10 was reported missing by one of the three victims, according to reports.

A Karin Court resident was scammed out of $2,375 worth of bitcoin by a man who contacted the resident and pretended to be a friend from college, according to allegations reported to police. The man was able to convince the victim to send him $2,375 in bitcoin before he realized it was scam. The incident was reported on April 17.