Resident: Gov. Murphy has impressive accomplishments

While having lunch with a friend, she asked what Gov. Phil Murphy has done for us. This letter is to answer that question. Below are examples of Gov. Murphy’s accomplishments:

• Gov. Murphy built strong partnerships for coordinated COVID testing and vaccinations;

• The Murphy administration directed hundreds of millions of dollars providing relief to middle class families, businesses, tenants, landlords and schools;

• To make high quality education more available, Gov. Murphy enacted initiatives to provide free community college tuition to qualified students. In-state tuition assistance is available to Dreamers;

• Under the Murphy administration, New Jersey became a national leader in increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour. He enacted earned sick time, expanded family leave and medical leave;

• The Governor has enacted bills to update and strengthen gun laws;

• This administration spearheaded New Jersey’s leadership role to expand off-shore wind energy technology. In deploying these technologies, New Jersey formed partnerships that will lead to the first wind energy component manufacturing facility in our country;

• Gov. Murphy in January 2021 enacted economic incentives to encourage the growth of high-tech businesses and innovative start-ups, as well as encouraging similar businesses to come to or stay in New Jersey;

•Still other legislation enacted includes New Jersey’s first tax credits for historic preservation and expanding tax credits for brownfields reclamation and redevelopment.

Clearly, Gov. Murphy has put the needs of New Jerseyans in the forefront. A second term as governor will continue to benefit New Jersey citizens.

Kim S. Luxhoj
Freehold Township