Lawrenceville School students support Main Street businesses with fundraiser

Lawrenceville School students raised $809 to benefit TJ’s Pizza and Pasta and the Lawrenceville Main Street Fund: $490 for TJ’s and the rest, $319, to businesses served by the Main Street Fund.

Led by juniors Arnav Aggarwal of Seattle and Alec Brown of Morristown, the boys of the Dickinson House dormitory sold special “Dickinson sandwiches” from TJ’s on campus to raise the money.

“We go to the Main Street restaurants practically every day and we’ve seen the financial losses they’ve taken due to COVID-19,” Aggarwal said in a statement provided by the Lawrenceville School. “They are a big part of the school and we wanted to make sure they are supported during these difficult times.”

Pictured are Arnav Aggarwal, left, and Alec Brown.