Photo courtesy of Julie Blake

Hopewell Township candidates run uncontested in Democratic and Republican primaries on June 8

When Hopewell Township residents vote in the the upcoming Democratic and Republican primaries, they will have two candidates running unopposed for an open seat on the Township Committee.

The June 8 Democratic and Republican primaries each feature a candidate running unopposed. Mayor Julie Blake, who is seeking re-election, is on the ballot for the Democratic primary and Edward Jackowski is pursuing his first term on the Township Committee as candidate in the Republican primary.

Blake is chasing a third term in her re-election bid. She was first elected to the Township Committee in 2015. Currently, Blake serves as mayor and has also previously served two years as as deputy mayor during her time on the Township Committee.

Additionally, Blake is chair of the Hopewell Township Board of Health, Municipal Public Safety liaison, and township liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission.  She has also served on the Hopewell Township Planning Board and as a township liaison to the Recreation Committee.

Blake has spent over 25 years in public education as a teacher and a school counselor. She has been married for 28 years to David Blake, professor of English at The College of New Jersey.

Jackowski has lived in Hopewell Valley for more than 20 years. He served as a U.S. Marine and then later worked in the financial services industry.

He and his wife, Anita, operate Jack’s Greenhouse and Farm. They have raised two daughters who have been educated in the Hopewell Valley School District (HVRSD).

There is 5-0 Democratic majority on the current Township Committee. Blake, Deputy Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning, Township Committeeman Kevin Kuchinski, Township Committeeman Michael Ruger and Township Committeewoman Kristin McLaughlin all serve on the Township Committee.