Hopewell Twp. police blotter

Three North Brunswick Township residents, ages 37, 52 and 65, have been charged with burglary and theft for breaking into two cars that were parked at Rosedale Park on April 29.

Assorted items worth more than $1,000 were taken from one vehicle and credit cards were taken from the other vehicle.

An 18-year-old Hopewell Township man was charged with driving while intoxicated and other motor vehicle violations after he was involved in a single-car crash on Featherbed Lane May 15. He was released to a family member’s custody.

Someone tossed a rock at a Pennington-Hopewell Road residence and broke the window. The incident was reported May 18.

Police are investigating two separate incidents of fraud and identity theft, after two victims walked into the Hopewell Township Police Department May 20 to report that someone had  opened credit cards in their names.

A Penn View Drive resident reported that someone gained access to their bank account and withdrew money. The incident was reported May 24.

A thief stole a bicycle belonging to a Gentry Court resident while it was parked in the bike rack. The theft was reported May 24.

A Hart Avenue resident told police someone had fraudulently applied for unemployment benefits in the victim’s name. The incident was reported May 24.