Pittsburgh rabbi will discuss 2018 Tree of Life attack, the power of Jewish memory

Rabbi Cheryl Klein, one of the clergy whose Pittsburgh congregations were directly impacted by the attack in the Tree of Life building on Oct. 27, 2018, will speak on the topic of “Contemplating Jewish Memory” in a virtual presentationat 7:30 p.m. June 29 as part of the Daniel Pearl Education Center Speaker Series.

Klein served as the cantor at Congregation Dor Hadash in Pittsburgh when her congregation was the target of the worst anti-Semitic violent massacre in U.S. history. Eleven congregants were murdered and six injured that day in a mass shooting.

Rabbi Klein, who in the aftermath of the attack became interim rabbi at Dor Hadash, will talk about Jewish history and how, over the generations, Jews have always dealt with hatred and antisemitism.

She will share her thoughts on how “remembering” may be used as a tool for healing and resilience.

The link will be available at www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=u-GqjOaW_eE&feature=youtu.be