Fourth of July celebration planned at Princeton Battlefield

The Princeton Battlefield Society’s (PBS) celebration of America’s 246th Independence Day will take place on July 4 at Princeton Battlefield State Park.

At noon, the celebration at 500 Mercer Road in Princeton will have remarks by PBS President Michael Russell; a flag raising ceremony; and vocal accompaniment by Krista Hastings, soloist and graduate of Westminster Choir College.

According to PBS, Command Sgt. Major John Zimmerman of the Army 99th Readiness Group, Fort Dix, will also present remarks on the War of Independence, the Battle of Princeton (including his ancestor’s service) and the importance of the Armed Forces in contemporary America.

Additionally, Will Krakower, the Princeton Battlefield Historical Educator, will read the Declaration of Independence, and the ceremony will close with two more songs by  Hastings and final remarks by Russell.

Visitors interested in a guided tour of the battlefield can do so either before or after the ceremony.

A tour at 10:30 a.m. will be led by Larry Kidder, author of “Revolutionary Princeton” and many other recent books and articles on the American Revolution in New Jersey, according to PBS.

A later tour at 1:30 p.m. will be led by Roger Williams, a leading expert on the “Ten Crucial Days” Campaign and the Battle of Princeton, and co-founder of