Pennington starts 2022 municipal budget process with town hall meetings

Pennington is implementing a new municipal budgeting process that will solicit more community input for the upcoming 2022 municipal budget.

Mayor James Davy and the Borough Council approved the new municipal budget process for Pennington that is designed to maximize community input, enhance budget transparency, and create a true citizen’s budget for Pennington Borough at a Borough Council meeting on Sept. 13, according to a statement released on Sept. 15.

Pennington’s 2022 budget process is set to begin on Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. with a publicly noticed Zoom meeting with chairpersons of the borough’s boards, commissions and committees, according to Councilman Ken Gross, Finance chair of the Borough Council.

This meeting will be followed by a virtual Budget Town Hall with Pennington’s taxpayers on Sept. 29 at 7 p.m.  

“The purpose of these town hall meetings is to hear from citizens about their budget ideas and priorities for the government that serves them,” Davy said. 

As the 2022 budget is developed, the mayor and council will conduct public work sessions to deliberate on budget requests and allocations, according to the statement. 

Prior to the introduction, public hearing, and adoption of the budget in April 2022, another budget town hall meeting with the community will be held to discuss Borough Council’s budget priorities and gain additional public input.