Lawrence Hopewell Trail receives award from Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia (BCYC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to making bicycling a safe and fun way for everyone to get around Greater Philadelphia region on a network of connected Circuit Trails, last week honored the Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) with the Connect the Circuit Award.

The LHT was among several organizations and individuals recognized for their contributions to the Circuit Trails at an event held at the Abington Arts Center in Jenkintown.

The LHT is the first New Jersey trail to be recognized by the Bicycle Coalition, which is the leading partner in building the circuit.

When completed, the circuit will be an 800-plus trail network that connects the urban, suburban and rural communities of the Greater Philadelphia area. Central and southern New Jersey are considered within this area, and the LHT is at the northeast tip of the network.

“The Board of Trustees of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail, a dedicated group of volunteers, working closely with municipal and county officials, are the real heroes who have made our trail a heavily used, much appreciated community amenity that connects neighborhoods to neighborhoods, people to each other, and people to the outdoors,” LHT Co-President Eleanor Horne told the 200 coalition supporters who attended the Oct. 1 event.

Horn and Co-President Becky Taylor accepted the award on behalf of the LHT trustees.

“We are deeply grateful to the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia and the other members of the Circuit Trails Coalition for creating a strong community of trail managers and enthusiasts from which we have benefitted in so many ways. It is with the support of the coalition that we have been able to connect our trail to the circuit,” Horne said.

Other honorees included Jason Duckworth, president of Arcadia Land Company, who received the Maguire Award; QWC Cycling, receiving the Bicycle Coalition of Great Philadelphia Award, and Noah Faust, receiving the BCYC Athlete of the Year Award.


The Lawrence Hopewell Trail (LHT) is a 22-plus mile bicycle and pedestrian trail and transportation corridor through public and private land in Lawrence and Hopewell Townships. The Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corporation is a nonprofit organization that depends on the community for support. The LHT is a key member of the Circuit Trails, an 800-mile network of bicycle and pedestrian trails connecting people to jobs, communities, and parks in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

For more information about the LHT, visit