To celebrate the Jewish Festival of Lights, residents gathered outside the North Brunswick Township municipal building for a menorah lighting on Dec. 22.
“When we get together, we celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah that took place several thousand years ago,” said Rabbi Mendy Carlebach of the Chabad of North & South Brunswick. “It’s very nice to celebrate something that happened 2,000 years ago, but how do we relate this miracle of Hanukkah to today?”
Carlebach explained that oil that was supposed to last for one night lasted instead for eight, representing light and hope. He said that there should always be an increase of light on a daily basis “to chase away the darkness.”
“Make a little difference around you. When youmake a little difference, eventually the entire world will be lit up with the light around us.” Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack transferred that sentiment into volunteers who “are committed to bringing light to your township.” He then lit the Shamash candle, which is used to light the other candles in the menorah.
Councilman Robert Davis then lit the candles for the first three nights of the holiday, after reciting a blessing.
The menorah itself was built about 12 years ago by Debbie Druker and John D’Angelo.