Three candidates seek two seats on Millstone Township governing body

MILLSTONE – Two Republicans and one Democrat are seeking their first terms on the Township Committee in Millstone Township.

The terms currently held by Republicans Gary Dorfman and Nancy Grbelja are on the ballot in the 2021 general election. Neither Dorfman nor Grbelja are seeking re-election and their terms will expire on Dec. 31.

The 2021 general election is being conducted in several ways: with vote by mail ballots; with early in-person voting at 10 polling locations around Monmouth County for nine days later this month; and with in-person voting at regular Millstone Township polling locations on Nov. 2.

Seeking the two available three-year terms are Democrat Raymond Dothard and Republicans Eric Davis and Tara Zabrosky.

Dothard, who is the chairman of the Millstone Township Veterans Memorial Council and a retired aviator who served in the Vietnam War, did not respond to requests for comment. Dothard has made several unsuccessful bids for a Township Committee seat.

Davis is the chairman of the Millstone Township Environmental Commission, which he has chaired since 2007. He has been a member of the commission since 2002.

“I fell in love with Millstone from the moment I walked my property in 2000,” Davis said. “The rural character, beautiful scenery, open space and rolling hills with limited vehicle traffic remains a breath of fresh air.

“Since moving in, I have learned to appreciate even more of our township, enjoying the many hiking trails, a county golf course, organized recreational activities and its natural resources, as Millstone is the headwaters of four of New Jersey’s five watershed regions.

“Millstone has given so much to me and my family. So now, I would like give back further by serving the community as member of the Township Committee,” Davis said.

In his professional career, Davis is the co-owner and vice president of GWS Environmental Contractors, an environmental remediation services company, and BEnvironmental Investigations, which provides soil boring and well drilling services.

“I have the background, experience and skills to help guide Millstone Township for the future,” he said. “I am a relationship builder, open minded, value the opinions of others and I am able to make critical decisions based on available information.”

If elected, Davis said he will focus on preserving Millstone’s quality of life.

“I will work hard to preserve what I love about Millstone,” he said. “The rural quality, open space, environmental cleanliness, natural resources, recreational programs and the education system.

“Also to improve the township’s infrastructure and services to residents, I will pledge to take action to minimize property taxes and to increase property values.

“I will also make by best efforts to work with our township professionals and Monmouth County’s elected officials to protect Millstone’s rural character from the encroaching development around us,” Davis said.

Since 2004, Zabrosky has served as a member of the Millstone Township Environmental Commission. The commission members review applications that are scheduled to be considered by the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Zabrosky joined the zoning board as a member of the panel this year and she has been a member of the Millstone Township PTO since 2017.

“I feel now is the time for me to give back to the community,” she said. “I feel my professional skills as a businesswoman and engineer, along with my experience on the environmental commission, the PTO and coaching girls’ softball has shown my commitment.

“I have a vested interest in our town’s success to continue as an environmentally concerned community, allowing our children to continue to flourish educationally and continuing to promote extracurricular and recreational activities within the town.

“I am well in tune with the issues concerning this town and have been a community advocate for the past few years for several community concerns. Now is the time to move on from advocating to contributing to the leadership of this community,” she said.

Zabrosky has been a managing partner of a consulting engineering firm based in Millstone Township that specializes in providing engineering services related to building systems for the past 10 years.

For 15 years, she was a senior engineer at Ethicon Inc., a Johnson and Johnson company that performed research and development on products used in the market today.

“My engineering background makes me a very logical thinker and allows me to make decisions based on facts rather than emotions,” Zabrosky said. “I am personable and have the ability to listen and communicate effectively to residents and business owners.”

If elected, Zabrosky said she will focus on continuing to maintain an environmentally concerned community, which includes protecting the township’s watershed, open spaces, endangered species, conservation area and rural qualities; enhancing community opportunities by working in cooperation with groups such as seniors, school-age children, parents, recreation and local businesses to increase township-sponsored activities; and improving services provided to residents.

Republicans hold all five seats on the Township Committee.