Opinion: Murphy failed our seniors, businesses, students

Far-left Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy continues to wreak havoc in New Jersey. In fact, he is leading one of the worst economic recoveries in the nation.

Perhaps what is worse is that not only has New Jersey had the second highest all time number of COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 residents, but Jersey now ranks seventh in the country for the total number of COVID deaths.

Yet Murphy’s havoc doesn’t stop there. In the midst of all of the other crises facing our state, Murphy is now insisting on raising taxes and spending taxpayer money on illegal immigrants.

His policies prioritize anything but New Jersey, leaving our state to suffer from his liberal agenda.

While raising taxes on businesses as one-third of the small businesses in New Jersey closed on his watch last year, our state is tied fourth for the highest unemployment rate.

Murphy’s disastrous approach to recovery continues for the 2020-21 school year. In the first half of the 2020-21 school year, expected learning rates of New Jersey students in grades 3-8 were down 30% in language arts and 36% in math.

Gov. Murphy is not a leader; he has dashed all hope of a successful recovery for our state.

Scott Stephens