Opinion: National Injury Prevention Day works toward future free of gun violence

Against the backdrop of the continuing COVID-19 public health crisis, we can’t ignore the toll preventable injuries have also taken on our families.

The Injury Free Coalition for Kids is one of the country’s most effective injury prevention initiatives. This nationwide program was developed with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It’s made up of hospital-based, community-oriented programs that are based on research, education and advocacy.

One of the member organizations is Be SMART for Kids, a public education campaign of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. We are a non-partisan organization that, among other initiatives, advocates for secure firearm storage to prevent child injury and deaths from unsecured, loaded guns.

Every day in this country, 20 children needlessly die from preventable injuries, and every day children access unsecured guns resulting in death or injury to themselves or others. One of the most important actions we take is to provide support for victims and survivors of gun violence. Their tragic stories remind us daily why we’re in this fight to prevent even one more death or injury due to senseless gun violence.

Along with other leading injury and violence prevention organizations such as Injury Free Coalition for Kids, Safe Kids Worldwide, Safe States Alliance, American Trauma Society, American Academy of Pediatrics, Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research, Trauma Centers of America Association and JPMA Cares of the Juvenile Products and Manufacturers Association, we are working to raise awareness about the burden of injury and violence.

In recognition of this goal, National Injury Prevention Day is Nov. 18. If you also want to help keep our kids and communities safe, text READY to 644-33 and join us in the fight for a future free from gun violence. Remember, every voice makes a difference.

Laura Coyne
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Hunterdon/Somerset Chapter