Photo courtesy of Maria O'Leary Photography

HVCHS welcomes back live audiences with ‘Much Ado about Nothing’

Hopewell Valley Central High School (HVCHS) Performing Arts will once again have a live audience as they present “Much Ado About Nothing.”

The performance is set for Nov. 19-20 at 7 p.m. and will be located in the Performing Arts Center at Hopewell Valley Central High School, 259 Pennington-Titusville Road, Pennington.

Tickets will not be sold at the door and will be sold to fill only half the capacity of the theater.

CDC guidelines are being followed and those attending will all have to wear a mask.

The cost of the tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students and seniors.

The students have not had a live audience since March 2020.

Set after World War II, the adaptation of “Much Ado About Nothing” takes place in a jazz club in Little Italy, New York. Similar to the original William Shakespeare play from 1598, the comedy is a battle of wills and wits, particularly between Beatrice and Benedick, both of whom claim they will never love or marry; and the youthful, romantic innocence of Claudio and Hero, according to a press release.

The 1940s music lends a nostalgic backdrop to the four lovers as they stumble through their matchmaking follies.

 Tickets can be purchased at