Opinion: Safe Storage of Guns bill is needed in New Jersey

The news that a 15-year-old brought a loaded gun on Dec. 8 to Lawrence High School is a wakeup call that mass shootings like the recent one in Michigan are also a real danger here. I’m relieved that the gun and student were quickly removed from school, preventing a potential mass shooting.

However, we need have strong laws that ensure that guns in the home are stored securely and safely so young people and others can’t easily access them in the first place. That is the best way to prevent guns from being brought to school.

Our Ceasefire NJ Project has been working with New Jersey state legislators, along with legal, policy and health experts, for the past 18 months to develop a Safe Storage of Guns bill that would be the strongest in the nation.

That bill is now before the New Jersey legislature, and I strongly urge readers to visit peacecoalitoin.org and click under the first item under Take Action to contact their legislators urging them to support this critical bill to make us safer from gun violence.

For further information, click the Ceasefire NJ icon on the right at peacecoalition.org.

The Rev. Robert Moore
Executive Director 

Coalition for Peace Action
