Hopewell Borough Council re-elects Morehouse as council president

The Hopewell Borough Council will continue to be led by Charles Morehouse after his election by members of the council.

Morehouse, who has served as council president since 2013, was nominated to serve as council president for 2022 by Councilman David Mackie at the Borough Council’s reorganization meeting, which took place Jan. 4.

The reorganization meeting also featured the swearing-in of Councilwoman Samara McAuliffe and Councilwoman Debra Stuhler. McAuliffe and Stuhler ran in uncontested races for re-election to their seats.

McAuliffe received 750 votes and Stuhler earned 747 votes during the November 2021 General Election. Both council members are serving their second three-year terms on the Borough Council.

The Borough Council currently has a 5-1 Democratic majority.

The council is composed of Council President Charles Morehouse, Councilman David Mackie, Councilwoman Samara McAuliffe, Councilwoman Debra Stuhler, Councilman Ryan Kennedy and Councilman Chris Fossel.

In his remarks at the reorganization meeting, Hopewell Borough Mayor Paul Anzano thanked the council members for their service in 2021.

“[It’s been] probably one of the more trying times we have had as a council on a number of different fronts. When I was first thinking about these comments I have grown so accustomed to the pandemic restrictions I forgot to include them,” he said. “Operating under the pandemic is one set of challenges we have consistently dealt with. We have faced those challenges and done the best that we can on behalf of the community.”

He added that the borough also had a tough year with tropical storms Henri and Ida.

“They really tested our abilities, Michele, staff including Public Works, in order to get the town up and running again after both storms. Unfortunately, there was significant property losses, but the borough did the best that it could,” Anzano said. “I want to thank all the other volunteers. There are hundreds of people that we elicit their services on a volunteer basis annually. I want to thank all of them. I look forward to a good 2022.”

Anzano also added that he looks forward to dealing with the guidelines surrounding recreational cannabis businesses in the borough.