Spotswood Public Library director wants to inspire love of books

SPOTSWOOD – On Jan. 21, Karin Finnegan officially started as the new director of the Spotswood Public Library.

Before transitioning to Spotswood, Finnegan served as the interim director and assistant director at the Bradley Beach Library.

She holds a master’s degree in Library and Information Services from Rutgers University and a business degree from Loyola University.

Finnegan said the move to Spotswood was a “natural progression” in her career.

With her prior experience and relevant education, she said she hopes to develop community relationships that make the library a popular destination for residents. Through activities and initiatives, the goal is to create an open environment for the public to enjoy.

“I want to open up the library more to the public. I am really excited to get out into the community and do outreach. I am looking forward to visiting the schools and attending community events.

“I believe access is the most important part of the library. Anyone and everyone can enjoy all the things the library has to offer, like books, electronic resources and entertainment, as well as programs.

“My favorite part about the library is the people. I love working with the community,” Finnegan said.

At an early age, Finnegan was enamored with the library. Her local school librarian, who she describes as “wonderful,” helped her to explore the bookshelves and develop a love for reading and books.

Now as the new director, she said she is hoping to recreate a similar environment in Spotswood.

In addition, she’s also encouraging residents to get involved by making a visit or providing ideas and feedback.

“Please come in and enjoy our little library. We have so much to offer. We look forward to working with the community to provide programs and services that you want. Please email me with suggestions or stop in,” she said.

Finnegan can be reached at [email protected]