Photo courtesy Seth Siditsky/The Watershed Institute

Watershed Institute teaches children about maple sugaring

Children and families have taken part in maple sugaring events recently held by The Watershed Institute.

Local schools and schoolchildren, scouts and adults have been learning about the history and science of the maple sugaring process.

During the events, those participating have tapped the trees and learned about the sugaring process.

According to the Maple Syrup Producers Association of Connecticut, to make pure maple syrup people must collect sap from sugar maple trees and boil and evaporate it until it reaches the proper density for syrup.

Steps include determining when to tap the trees, identifying the trees to tap, collecting the sap and processing it and then filtering, grading and packing the syrup.

The Watershed Institute is located at 31 Titusville Road, Pennington.

For more information about The Watershed Institute’s events, visit