Tri-Town News news briefs, March 2

Jackson Township Council members have established a Going Green Committee which will be made up of residents who are dedicated to the sustainability of Jackson.

According to the ordinance that was adopted on Feb. 22, the purpose of the Going Green Committee is to facilitate the successful completion of the certification requirements of Sustainable Jersey; to seek and secure funding opportunities, save tax dollars, improve municipal operations, protect the environment and quality of life, and support a sustainable community.

The committee members will work to educate and encourage township employees, school district officials, residents and business operators to participate in green initiatives.

The committee members will make recommendations and advise the mayor and council on ways to take action with green initiatives which are affordable and environmentally sound,  according to the ordinance.

Councilman Nino Borrelli encouraged citizen involvement in the Going Green Committee and said, “The main focus will be looking for ways, through grants and other possible means, to save our town money and protect our environment.”


Jackson Township Council members have voiced support for state Senate bill S-1200, which has been introduced by Sen. Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth).

If passed in the Senate and Assembly and signed into law by the Governor, the legislation would limit the duration of a state of emergency to 60 days unless an extension of the emergency is approved by the Legislature.

At present, a state of emergency in New Jersey can continue until it is terminated by the Governor, and a public health emergency can be instituted for 30 days with subsequent 30-day extensions issued at only the Governor’s prerogative.

S-1200 would limit a public health emergency declaration to 60 days total unless an extension is approved by the Legislature. The bill would provide the Legislature with the authority to terminate state of emergency and public health emergency declarations by a two-thirds vote of the Legislature.

In voicing support for S-1200, Councilman Nino Borrelli said, “Sen. Vin Gopal, a Democrat from Monmouth County, is a co-sponsor. I read that the all-Democratic Gloucester County Board of County Commissioners has passed a resolution supporting this bill.

“The residents of Jackson and New Jersey deserve a system of checks and balances as guaranteed by the United States and New Jersey constitutions, and the Township Council supports advocating for residents locally through their representatives in the Legislature,” Borrelli said.